
Queen bee Learn more about Queen bee

  • How much is the queen bee?

    How much is the queen bee?

    How much is the queen bee?

  • How to cultivate queen bee artificially

    How to cultivate queen bee artificially

    We all know that there is a queen bee in every colony, the queen bee's reminder is relatively large, and the main function of the queen bee is to reproduce and do nothing else. Each queen bee lays more than 2000 eggs a day during the spawning season. The basic purchase of the queen bee is about

    2020-11-08 How artificial breeding queen bee technology we all know
  • Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    In addition to the close relationship between queen bee weight and egg weight and queen bee quality, all factors in the process of artificial rearing have a great influence on queen bee quality.

  • How can you raise bees without a queen bee?

    How can you raise bees without a queen bee?

    The queen bee is the main breeder of the whole colony, and the colony without the queen bee will fall into chaos, and sometimes the queen bee will disappear because of natural or perceived factors, which is not good news for beekeepers. How can you keep bees without a queen bee? First, get involved in the queen bee, which is the most

    2020-11-11 No queen bee how raise bee yes the whole colony
  • What is the role of the queen bee in the colony? What if it dies?

    What is the role of the queen bee in the colony? What if it dies?

    The queen bee, also known as the mother bee, is a female bee with fully developed reproductive organs, which is developed from fertilized eggs. Usually there is only one bee in each colony. The price varies with the quality of the queen bee, ranging from 100 yuan to several hundred yuan. So what is the role of the queen bee in the colony?

    2020-11-11 The queen bee in the colony has what the function it death
  • How long is the life span of the queen bee family? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    How long is the life span of the queen bee family? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    The queen bee, also known as mother bee and queen bee, is a bee developed from fertilized eggs, which can lay eggs and secrete substances to maintain the order of the colony, so if you want to keep a good bee, you need a queen bee, how long is the life span of the queen bee? How much is it usually? What about the dead swarm?

    2020-11-11 Bee family queen bee lifespan how long average more less money
  • Novice beekeeping skills: how does the queen bee judge age by appearance? How to control cockroaches in beehives?

    Novice beekeeping skills: how does the queen bee judge age by appearance? How to control cockroaches in beehives?

    At present, bee products are widely used in diet, beauty, industrial, medical and other aspects, many novices want to try to raise bees, so for beginners, what beekeeping skills need to be paid attention to? How does the queen bee judge his age by his appearance? How to prevent the beehive

    2020-11-11 Novice beekeeping skills queen bee how from appearance judgment age
  • Where is the queen bee hiding in the colony? If you master these three tips, you can easily find out.

    Where is the queen bee hiding in the colony? If you master these three tips, you can easily find out.

    The most important thing in beekeeping is the queen bee. If there were no queen bee, then the bees would scatter and fly, not in swarms. So beekeepers have to check from time to time to see if there is still a queen in the colony. But beekeeping, the population of bees is huge, and the number of bees is even greater.

    2020-11-11 The queen bee hiding in the colony what location master this three tricks
  • Adopt high-quality queen bee

    Adopt high-quality queen bee

    In order to adopt the high quality queen bee, we should mainly consider three aspects: selecting the Chinese bee species with excellent species and production performance, adopting the new queen bee and preventing the degradation of the bee species in use. The queen bee with excellent characteristics is the guarantee of strong colony rearing, and the bee species with strong fecundity, strong population potential, weak bee division, high yield and strong disease resistance (especially resistance to cystic disease) should be selected in the breeding of Chinese bee. A good queen bee can be obtained through the bee species production department, but it must be noted that the introduced queen bee should be able to perform in the production of beekeeping in the use area.

  • Developing Beekeeping Industry to increase Farmers' income

    Developing Beekeeping Industry to increase Farmers' income

    Editor's note: apiculture occupies an important position in our national economy. It can not only provide rich honeybee products to the society, but also help farmers to increase their income and become rich. At present, there are about 6.5 million bee colonies in China, with an annual output of nearly 200000 tons of honey and 1.

    2016-01-10 Development beekeeping industry assistance increase of farmers' income editor's note
  • The storage of the queen bee

    The storage of the queen bee

    The hive stores some spare queen bees, which can replace the aging and injured queen bee at any time, or replenish the lost queen bee at any time. There are two ways of storage: in-group storage and out-of-nest storage. The main results are as follows: (1) it is most convenient to store queen bees in mating colony. When the new queen bee in the mating group begins to lay eggs for a week or so, it is locked in a rectangular iron gauze platform and embedded in the spleen of the mating group. At the same time, it lures the group into a mature king platform. A similar method can be used to store the queen bee in the relay box of the strong group.

  • How to prevent ants in beekeeping?

    How to prevent ants in beekeeping?

    The bee is a kind of lovely little insect. It shuttles through the flowers all day to collect nectar. It is an industrious little bee. With the popularity of the aquaculture industry, there are more and more beekeepers, so how to raise bees? are there any points for attention?

    2020-11-08 Beekeeping how to prevent ants bees yes a kind of very good love
  • The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    The method of rapid propagation of honeybee

    Bees generally collect honey during the day and make honey at night, and can also help fruit trees complete the task of pollination. Many beekeepers raise a large number of bees. So what are the ways to reproduce bees quickly? First, how can bees reproduce quickly? 1. Flying in the right amount: spring

    2020-11-11 Fast breeding bees methods generally during the day.
  • The time and conditions of artificial cultivation of queen bee

    The time and conditions of artificial cultivation of queen bee

    The new bees bred in the same year have completely replaced the old bees that overwintered, and after entering the period of development and growth, the population is strong, so they can be prepared to breed the king artificially. In the north, when the daytime temperature is stable above 20 degrees Celsius in early summer, when there are honey sources, especially when there are abundant powder sources, drones begin to come out of the house one after another, and it is better to breed in this period. North China is generally in May. This can ensure the quality of the queen bee, and can use the new queen bee to replace the aging queen bee as soon as possible, and the colony with the queen bee in that year will not have natural clustering. Using the new queen bee cultivated in the early stage to divide the bee artificially.

  • When do bees multiply quickly? Main points of reproduction in honeybee culture

    When do bees multiply quickly? Main points of reproduction in honeybee culture

    Honeybee is a common breeding project in rural areas. in the process of honeybee breeding, good reproduction is not only the foundation, but also the key to improve the economic benefits of honeybee reproduction. So, when do bees reproduce quickly? What are the breeding points of bee farming? Let's learn about it together.

    2020-11-11 Bees when breeding fast the main point bees yes
  • Organization and management of mating wasps

    Organization and management of mating wasps

    The mating colony organizes mating for the small colony that the new queen bee lives, either on the 10th day after the removal or the 7th day after the king platform is sealed. To organize the mating group, you must first prepare the trunk. The standard beehive can be closely divided into 3 or 4 small areas with 2 or 3 gates. Each community can hold 2-3 nests and spleen, and open 1-3 mm long and 8 mm wide nest doors in different directions. The wall of the box in front of each nest is painted with different colors such as yellow, blue and white, so that the queen bee can identify her own hive. Put a box seal with baby bees in each district of the trunk.

  • Biological characteristics of honeybee

    Biological characteristics of honeybee

    Biological characteristics of honeybee

  • How do bees reproduce?

    How do bees reproduce?

    Honeybee is a kind of social animal and social insect, which is mainly composed of queen bee, drones, worker bees, etc., so how do bees reproduce? The basic introduction of honeybees is that honeybees belong to Insecta and Honeybee family, and the distribution areas of different species of honeybees are not complete.

    2020-11-11 Bees yes how breeding bees a kind of gregarious
  • Why do bees turn black and do not come out of the room to collect honey? How to deal with it?

    Why do bees turn black and do not come out of the room to collect honey? How to deal with it?

    When it comes to bee farming, I believe we will find all kinds of problems when we raise new bees, which can be easily dealt with for our experienced friends, but it will be at a loss for some friends who have no experience in raising bees.

    2020-11-11 Bees turn black don't come out house harvest honey yes why how
  • How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    How to keep honeybees from running away from honeybee diseases and enemy damage control

    When the honeybee population is too large or the queen is aging, the worker bee will build a queen hive, and the larvae hatched by the fertilized eggs laid in the queen will be fed to the royal jelly by the worker bee all the time. The natural grouping is usually led by the old queen bee.

    2020-11-08 Bees how raise can not run disease and enemy damage control